What Clients Have Said

I came to Michael through recommendation and that, to me, spoke volumes.
From our earliest interactions Michael was keen to know about me, my cycling history, highs/lows and goals. And made sure he was best placed to coach me before we began. In my eyes he put my development ahead of any financial gain for him and that spoke volumes about his character.
Michael sets very clear, concise training programs which we discuss prior to implementing, he is keen that I understand the process, purpose and objectives of each block so I can see improvement through my eyes as well as his. Don’t let this fool you that his expectations aren’t high! But equally so are the results when it’s completed correctly. Even when the plan is finalised Michael is available to review/discuss and/or amend as needed, he lives in the real world and understands I do too. He gives regular, positive and professional feedback giving me opportunities to reflect on performance and this fosters absolute honesty in our interactions, he’s not afraid to call it what needs must!
Through his guidance, support and structured training plans I’ve seen month on month improvement across the board, far more than I anticipated when we began working together, and I’m already keen to see what next season brings. He’s even turned out to some of my events giving guidance and words of encouragement from the roadside.
Michael is a competitive cyclist himself so he coaches from a solid platform of experience.
Overall he’s a gentleman, a consummate professional and an excellent coach. I would not hesitate to recommend him for any cyclist, competitive or otherwise.